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Market Pickup

Pre-Order for Market Pickup

Minimum pre-order is 18 lbs.

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Please enter the number of pounds for each desired variety (remember, 18 lb. minimum).

Grape Juice

Sorry, no grape juice at this time.


CacoCacoComing Soon!$9.00/lb 
NiagaraNiagaraComing Next Week$9.00/lb 
ConcordConcordComing Soon!$9.00/lb 


HimrodHimrodAvailable$10.00/lbQty: (lb)
Large, loose green clusters of oval, soft flavorful grape berries. The grapes have a honey-like flavor and a melting, juicy texture, reminiscent of candy. Great for Table eating or Cooking.

JupiterJupiterComing Next Week$10.00/lb 
Large,oval,sweet,distinct muscat flavor, dark blue berries on a classically shaped medium cluster. Among the best grape varieties for cooking as heat develops the complexities of the flavor profile. 
CanadiceCanadiceAvailable$10.00/lbQty: (lb)
Canadice produces medium clusters with small, sweet, red seedless berries. A slip-skin variety with tender and edible skin. Has a distinct labrusca flavor but not overpowering. Perfect for fresh eating, jams, or jellies,. 
MarsMarsComing Soon!$10.00/lb 
Mars is a vigorous, blue seedless variety. Clusters are medium sized and well-filled with slip-skin berries and mild labrusca flavor. 
MarquisMarquisComing Soon!$10.00/lb 
A vigorous, white seedless grape from the Geneva Breeding Program. This high flavor variety produces spherical berries on large shouldered clusters. Fruit ripens mid-season, and It also makes a nice table wine with hints of pineapple. 
LakemontLakemontComing Soon!$10.00/lb 
A sibling of Himrod, Lakemont has a milder flavor and more compact clusters with fairly small berries that are crisp, sweet, juicy and yellowish green. Lakemont makes excellent raisins. 
ThomcordsThomcordsAvailable$10.00/lbQty: (lb)
Large clustered small-berried Seedless cross of Thompson Seedless and Concord. Tastes like a mellow crunchy Concord.
SomersetSomersetAvailable$10.00/lbQty: (lb)
Early red seedless variety. Crunchy and very sweet with a strawberry-like flavor
VanessaVanessaComing Soon!$10.00/lb 
Vanessa produces medium-sized clusters of bright deep red berries with moderate bloom, firm flesh, and crisp texture. Flavor is mildly aromatic but not of Labrusca type and is considered among the best of red seedless grapes. 
Total: $

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